Patient Care Consultants
Patient Care Consultants are here to help! With their knowledge and experience, they can provide the guidance you need to make informed decisions.
Designated CareGiver
Are you looking for help managing your medical marijuana? In Ohio, a person 21 years or older may register with the state Board of Pharmacy to serve as a designated caregiver for no more than two qualifying patients. As a caregiver, they can purchase and administer medical marijuana to you.
Are you looking for a safe and legal way to acquire medical marijuana? Ohio has licensed up to 130 dispensaries where you can find the marijuana you need. Our dispensaries also provide access to marijuana experts, called Patient Care Consultants, who can help you select and purchase the right product for your needs.
Please contact your recommending physician to determine if Sativa, Indica, or Hybrid can treat your symptoms of your qualifying conditions.
Indica, originating in Asia and the Middle East, as one of the most commonly available strains of marijuana.
Please contact your recommending physician to determine if Sativa, Indica, or Hybrid can treat your symptoms of your qualifying conditions.
Sativa, originating in Central and South America, as one of the most available strains of marijuana.
Please contact your recommending physician to determine if Sativa, Indica, or Hybrid can treat your symptoms of your qualifying conditions.
A Hybrid is a crossbreed between an Indica and Sativa plant; Hybrid plants can have characteristics of both Indica and Sativa.
A medical marijuana patient is an individual who has been certified by a doctor to use medical marijuana to treat a condition that has been approved by the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program. To become a certified medical marijuana patient, an individual must complete the patient registration process with the Ohio Board of Pharmacy and be approved by a certified doctor. Once approved, patients must obtain medical marijuana products from a licensed dispensary